
  • I. S. Tvoroshenko Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • O. O. Kramarenko. Center Limited Liability Company, Kharkiv, Ukraine



Graph theory, spatial data analysis, optimal transport route, geographic information system, buffer zone, computational time, modern geoinformation technologies, algorithm, city infrastructure


Context. The urgency of this work is to develop software for a multifunctional geoinformation guide supporting the state fire and
rescue part by means of modern geoinformation technologies. The object of research is the infrastructure of the city of Kharkiv.
Objective. The aim of the study is to develop software for a multifunctional geoinformation guide for the automatic determination
of the optimal transport route using modern geoinformation technologies to improve the fire-fighting efficiency in the city of
Method. During the research, the general scientific methods were used: cartographic, system analysis and synthesis for definition
and generalization of theoretical and methodological foundations of state building norms, modeling, higher mathematics, combinatory, as well as special methods of mathematical and geoinformation analysis. ArcGIS software platform for creating, managing, integrating, analyzing and distributing spatial data is used in the work. Methods used: programming in VBA and Python, geodesy, topography, geoinformatics, definition of computational time.
Results. The results obtained in the course of this research, namely: methodological, algorithmic and software of the multifunctional geographic information directory, are of practical significance, are real and are used by the Kotelevsky district sector of the Main Department of the State Service of Ukraine for Emergencies in the Poltava region, and may also be applied by the Main Directorate of the State Service of Ukraine for Emergencies in the Kharkiv region for the automatic determination of the optimal route in the operational arrival of the fire brigade with the help of geoinformation technologies, tools of mathematical and geoinformation analysis.
Conclusions. The spatial model of the city of Kharkiv has been further developed due to the use of geoinformation and mathematical analysis methods during software development, which allowed taking into account a set of important criteria. The spatial model of geoinformation support of state fire and rescue units of Kharkiv city has been improved due to the consideration and application of the road distribution criteria according to the categories, which made it possible to develop an effective software platform for rapid response. Prospects for further research include the development of an application for Android and IOS platforms with the possibility of compact use of the geographic information directory, as well as the inclusion of an interactive ArcGIS Online map, which reflects the real state of traffic load and the possibility of using relevant data when designing the recommended route.

Author Biographies

I. S. Tvoroshenko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics

O. O. Kramarenko., Center Limited Liability Company, Kharkiv

Master of Science, Land Surveyor Engineer, Geodetic and Surveying


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How to Cite

Tvoroshenko, I. S., & Kramarenko., O. O. (2019). SOFTWARE DETERMINATION OF THE OPTIMAL ROUTE BY GEOINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (3), 131–142.



Progressive information technologies