
  • S. А. Subbotin National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine




Іnstance, attribute, informativeness, hashing, hash, reduction of the sample size.


Context. To reduce the data dimensionality in the diagnostic and recognition model construction, it becomes necessary to select the most informative instances, as well as to select the most informative features. The time spent on the separate implementation of these procedures is high due to the iterativity and interconnectedness of these procedures.

Objective. The purpose of this work is to reduce the time spent on reducing the data dimensionality by creating a method for selecting the most informative instances based on hashing.

Method. A method for calculating weights for determining the hashes of instances is proposed, which determines the weights of features based on their ranks in a deterministic way, which, in turn, determines, taking into account the number of equal partitions of the ranges of features, the minimum sufficient to distinguish clusters on the axis of the feature with acceptable accuracy. This eliminates the need for iterative enumeration of various combinations of features, determining random projections of features, as well as solving iterative optimization problems of finding the best projection of features, which significantly reduces the time spent on calculating weights, while ensuring the local sensitivity of the hash. The hashes obtained can be used both for the selection of instances and for the selection of features.

A method for determining the individual and group significance of sample instances is proposed, in which it uses the distance between the hashes of the instances as a measure of similarity and, by analogy with the potential method, finds the potentials induced by the classes for each instance, and on their basis determines the indicators of the significance of the instances, based on the fact that the instance in the feature space, the more informative the less the minimum potential difference of the classes induced on the specimen.

A method for determining the estimates of the informativeness of features is proposed, which, on the basis of normalizing the weights obtained during the formation of hashes, determines the indicators of the informativeness of features, giving preference to features with a smaller number of partitions.

Results. An experimental study has been carried out, which has confirmed the efficiency of the proposed methods in solving practical problems.

Conclusions. The developed software can be recommended for solving problems of data dimension reduction.

Author Biography

S. А. Subbotin, National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”, Zaporizhzhia

Dr. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Software Tools


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How to Cite

Subbotin S. А. (2020). EVALUATION OF INFORMATIVITY AND SELECTION OF INSTANCES BASED ON HASHING. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (3), 129–137. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-3274-2020-3-12



Neuroinformatics and intelligent systems