method, spectral estimation, adaptive lattice filter, resolution-measurement criterion, direction-of-arrival, noise radiating sources, resolution.Abstract
Context. For many radars, the autonomous systems of the non-noise-like aerial targets (AT) detection and the noise radiating sources (NRS) localization (direction-of-arrival estimation) may be replaced with a single detection-localization system, which carries out the common operations of the AT-detection and the NRS-localization only once. For such a system, groups of noneigenvalue and eigenvalue decomposition based “super-resolving” spectral estimation (SE) methods are considered to substantiate efficient one for the NRS-localization.
Objective. The comparative analysis efficiency of the SE-methods of different groups by a set of criteria and recommendations on their practical application.
Method. The methods’ efficiency is analyzed analytically, under simulation results and their comparison with new results presented in the open literature. In the simulation, a well-grounded and practically examined software-algorithmic basis of adaptive lattice filters for nonparametric SE-methods implementation is used.
The results. It is shown that the SE-methods of both groups have no restrictions on the antenna array configuration (flat, ring, etc.), including when used in non-equal spaced “sparse” antenna arrays with inter-element distances of more than half radar wavelength. A comparison is made on the resolution (determination of the NRS number) and the NRS-localization (direction-of-arrival estimation) efficiency by methods of different groups when using various antenna arrays. It is shown that the methods of the first group (non-eigenvalue based) in terms of the probability of correct resolution, are almost not inferior to the known and new methods of the second group (eigenvalue ones). Based on the set of criteria and practical application conditions for direction-of-arrival estimation of the noise radiating sources, it is recommended to use the Capon’s minimum variance method if there are limitations on the computational complexity of the method. In the absence of such restrictions, it is advisable to use the SE-bank of methods.
Conclusions. For the practical implementation of a joint system of the non-noise-like aerial target detection and the noise radiating sources localization, a structural-algorithmic basis of adaptive lattice filters is preferred. Using latter, along with the weight vector forming for the target detection, it is possible to implement not only the Capon’s method, but also a SE-bank of methods by combining the squares of absolute values of its original vectors’ components.
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