system behavior, control automaton, hierarchy of automata, integrated system, behavior classification.Abstract
Context. The behavior of the system is included in the basic concepts that characterize its functioning. In an event-driven system, behavior is modeled using a state machine. Known classifications of behavior take into account the genus and type of automaton. At the same time, in modern systems, control automata are integrated into hierarchies and have a number of new properties that are not reflected in their classifications.
Objective. The purpose of the work is to systematize the forms of specifying the behavior of integrated systems and methods for changing the behavior in the process of their use. The novelty of the proposed classification lies in taking into account the behavior of new types of non-binary, semantic, controlled and changeable individual automata and the structures of these automata.
Method. The essence of behavior is presented as the ambiguity of reactions to the input signals of the control automaton, which manifests itself in a certain pattern of changing its states and outputs. When classifying behaviors, the expediency of exploratory behavior is determined. Such ways of achieving the goal as adaptation, change or absorption of the environment, change in the goals of behavior are noted. According to the level of complexity of behavior, systems with predetermined, regulated, organizing, predictable and autonomous behavior are distinguished. Along with the automaton model of behavior, the importance of modeling behavior in the form of a combination of statements is noted. The importance of describing the possible and emergency behavior of the system is noted. A classification of the system’s behavior in terms of constancy and variability is proposed. The structure and principles of the implementation of changeable behavior within the framework of the processes of external control of the automaton and its selfgovernment are described. Based on the concept of arity of behavior, the functional and technological behavior of a finite automaton are singled out. As part of the classification of behavior by the level of formation, the switching, combinational and automatic behavior of states, as well as the behavior of the automaton in the contours of activity and the typical behavior of the automaton in the hierarchy, are described.
Experiments. With the use of the proposed classification features, the behavior of control devices of monitoring systems for power transformer parameters, object temperature control and integrated hierarchical systems is analyzed.
Results. The proposed classification describes the directions for specifying behavior in complex integrated systems according to 13 main and 84 detailing features, which facilitates the process of designing behavior and highlights new system capabilities.
Conclusions. The actual problem of systematization of the behavior of control devices of systems has been solved. Classification features give directions for the use of standard solutions for describing the behavior of the system, which simplifies the process and reduces the complexity of designing its functional structure.
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