
  • D. O. Borovyk Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
  • O. V. Borovyk Professional Training Department of the Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • R. V. Rachok Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
  • I. O. Basaraba Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



optoelectronic surveillance system, methodology, optimization, efficiency, power consumption, algorithm


Context. Radar, thermal imaging, and video surveillance means are actively used in the protection of the state border. Together with the appropriate communication equipment, they allow to create optoelectronic surveillance systems, which are the basis for the intellectualization of border protection. The effectiveness of such systems is significantly affected by the peculiarities of their functional and structural design. A rational structural design, even in difficult physical and geographical conditions, allows for a high level of surveillance efficiency. However, the functional component also has a significant impact on improving the system efficiency. In many cases, the functioning of the elements of the optoelectronic surveillance system occurs under conditions of power supply restrictions. Such limitations determine the need for a rational choice of modes of use of certain types of surveillance equipment at certain time intervals in order to ensure effective surveillance, taking into account the time of day and weather conditions. The imperfection of the scientific and methodological apparatus for optimizing the functioning of optoelectronic surveillance systems determines the relevance of this study.

Objective. The aim of the work is to develop a methodology for optimizing the optoelectronic surveillance system functioning by rationally selecting the modes of operation of different types of surveillance equipment in certain time intervals, taking into account the time of day and weather conditions in which they are used.

Methods. The paper sets and investigates the two-criteria problem of choosing the modes of operation of different types of observation equipment of an optoelectronic surveillance system at separate time intervals, taking into account the time of day and weather conditions in which they are used, which ensures maximizing the efficiency of the optoelectronic surveillance system while minimizing the power consumed by active types of surveillance equipment in the presence of boundary restrictions on the efficiency and power consumed by the system. The proposed indicator for assessing the effectiveness of the system allows us to assess the level of impossibility of uncontrolled crossing of the perimeter of the protected area by an intruder. The peculiarity of this methodology is the possibility of ensuring a significant reduction in the level of energy consumption by the system components due to a slight decrease in the efficiency of monitoring.

Results. The paper proposes an alternative approach to assessing the effectiveness of the optoelectronic surveillance system, the idea of which is that instead of assessing the effectiveness of surveillance over the entire sector of the controlled area of the border, the effectiveness of control is assessed only along the perimeter of this area. This approach significantly reduces the computational complexity of the problem of finding the value of efficiency which further simplifies the solution of problems of structural optimization of surveillance systems. A software and algorithmic implementation of the methodology for optimizing the functioning of an optoelectronic surveillance system is proposed. Using the developed software, a rational choice of modes of operation of certain types of surveillance equipment at certain time intervals was carried out taking into account the time of day and weather conditions.

Conclusions. The use of the proposed methodology makes it possible to optimize the modes of operation of the optoelectronic surveillance system, taking into account the limiting factors in terms of efficiency and power consumption when using the same types of surveillance equipment on all towers of the system. A possible direction for improving the methodology is its adaptation to cases where different types of surveillance equipment are used on different towers of the system.

Author Biographies

D. O. Borovyk, Khmelnytskyi

Master of Computer Science

O. V. Borovyk, Professional Training Department of the Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Kyiv

Dr. Sc., Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Organization of Educational and Scientific Activities

R. V. Rachok, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi

Dr. Sc. Professor, Professor of the Department of Communication and Information Systems

I. O. Basaraba, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi

PhD, Instructor of Foreign Languages Department


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How to Cite

Borovyk, D. O., Borovyk, O. V., Rachok, R. V., & Basaraba, I. O. (2024). METHODOLOGY FOR OPTIMIZING THE FUNCTIONING OF THE OPTOELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM . Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, (4), 153–162.



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